I had so many questions!

‘I had so many questions!’

When MARY KINYUA learnt that she was pregnant, she could not stop asking questions. Many things puzzled her, from why her stomach was not bulging to how the baby finally gets delivered. In spite of her relentless curiosity, she had a very patient doctor who answered all her questions with ease. She narrates her story to Emma Odaba.

I always thought that when you get pregnant, the stomach actually bulges immediately. I kept asking my mother-in-law why my tummy was not growing because at four months, I could still fit into my usual jeans trousers.

It was not until after five months that the bulge started showing. That was also when my friends and my colleagues at work started noticing. I could not wait for this moment to start wearing free clothes so I grabbed at the opportunity.

He had to go out of the country

My pregnancy was a surprise. My husband and I had talked about getting a baby but we had not finalised. It just happened and we accepted it gladly; we were extremely happy. In January, he regularly told me that I had changed a lot; that I had become too choosy and that I was eating a lot. I could not understand why he was making such comments and would occasionally get offended. After much thought, I decided to consult my gynaecologist. She is the one who confirmed that I was expectant.

When I was three months pregnant, my husband got a job offer in South Africa. He had to go out of the country so I am now alone. However, he calls everyday and sends emails to know how I am doing.

Though I have had no cravings, the main foods that I love eating are greens and fruits.

I have definitely changed

Now I know I have definitely changed; I have gained a lot of weight. I used to weigh 59 kilograms, but now I am 82 kilograms. It is indeed a big change! I first noticed a change in my bust because all the fancy bras I used to wear could no longer fit. It would be so embarrassing especially when I had to go shopping for more because I was uncertain of the size to look for.

Nevertheless, my pregnancy has been smooth. From day one, it has been okay although lately I am feeling tired. I remember after six-and-a-half months, my legs started swelling. This got me very worried. I thought my blood pressure could be high. I went to my doctor and he confirmed that my blood pressure was okay. He explained that the swellings were an indication that the baby was heavy. Since the swellings were only on one leg, the doctor explained to me that it was a sign that the baby was sleeping on her back on the right side of the womb.

My birth partner

I am hoping that my mother-in-law will be my birth partner. She told me to call her immediately I get admitted in hospital. My worst fear at the moment is that my baby might be swapped at the delivery room if I go there alone. I have heard of such cases although I don’t know how they happen.

Am hoping that I will have a normal delivery. I have been asking my doctor many questions about labour, delivery, lying positions of the baby, the placenta, the size of the baby and such related issues. When he realised that I was persistent, he asked me to go for a ultrasound so that he could explain everything to me easily, which I did. He then explained to me how the baby turns, how the baby moves during delivery, and the whole delivery process. It sounded weird but it was very interesting to imagine the baby move as he explained. I was bewildered but I understood everything clearly. Truly these are the wonders of God’s creation!

Sex of the baby

Though I have passed my Expected Due Date (EDD), I am not in the least bit scared. My doctor told me that a baby can come two weeks earlier or two weeks after the EDD.

I am not so keen on the sex of the baby; I just want a baby and I will embrace whichever sex God gives me. My hubby agrees and wants a surprise too.

Mary’s baby girl, Jean Kinyua, born on 11 September 2007 at 3:34 a.m. She weighed 4.7 kilograms.

Mary’s mother-in-law, Eunice, is joyous to have a new grand-daughter.

END: PG 10/22-23

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