Nutritional and herbal supplements to complete your diet

The substances and products we think of as supplements are by no means entirely new. Vitamins in pill form have been available for more than 50 years. Herbs, also known as botanicals or phytomedicines have been staples in the clinics and the kitchens for centuries, and were the primary form of medicine in many parts of the world until the beginning of this century. Only a decade ago in this country, many herbal concoctions were made at home or at the local herbalist for the treatment of many common ailments.

Today, dietary supplements as they are officially called encompass a dizzying array of vitamins, minerals and herbs, as well as other compounds that have been extracted or created from natural sources. Available without prescription, supplements are sold in virtually every supermarket and pharmacy. Many malls and shopping centers have health shops which market supplements, and you can also buy them from multi level marketers and over the internet too.

With all this attention and the rising sales of supplements, it is not surprising that many people have come to believe that substances such as garlic and echinacea a plant of the daisy family whose flowers have a raised cone-like centre consisting of soft spines) along with vitamins and minerals, are as beneficial to health as low fat foods and exercise.

Anyone looking for dietary supplements can be overwhelmed by the huge variety available. Counting different brands and combinations of supplements, there are literally thousands of choices available, and the choice can be confusing.

To make informed decisions, it is essential to understand the terms used on supplement labels, as well as the properties and characteristics of specific supplements. But to avoid feeling overwhelmed by all the choices facing you, it is useful to learn about the basic types of supplements that are available and the key functions they perform in order to keep you healthy.

A vitamin is an organic substance essential for regulating both the metabolic functions within the cells and the biochemical processes that release energy from food. In addition, evidence is accumulating that certain vitamins are antioxidants—substances which protect tissues from cell damage and may possibly help to prevent a number of degenerative diseases. With a few exceptions (notably vitamin D and K) the body cannot manufacture vitamins, and so they must be ingested either in the form of food or nutritional supplements.

There are 13 known vitamins and these can be categorized as either fat soluble (A. D. E. and K) or water soluble (the 8 B vitamins and vitamin C). The distinction is important because the body stores fat soluble vitamins for relatively long periods, (months or even years). Water soluble vitamins (except for vitamin B 12). on the other hand remain In the body for a short time and must be replenished more frequently.

Minerals are present in our bodies in small amounts. All together, they add up to only 4 per cent of body weight. Yet these organic substances are essential for a wide range of vital processes, from basic bone formation to the normal functioning of the heart and digestive system. A number of minerals have been linked to the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis and other chronic illnesses. As with vitamins, humans must replenish their mineral supply through food or with supplements.

The body contains more than 60 different minerals, but only 22 are considered essential. Of these, seven, including calcium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and sulphur are called macro minerals or major minerals. The other 15 minerals are termed micro minerals because the amount the body requires each day is usually tiny.

Herbal supplements are prepared from plants, often using the leaves, stems, roots and/or bark. Known for centuries as medicinal agents, many plant parts can be used in their natural form, or they can be refined into tablets, capsules, powders, tinctures and other supplement formulations. Many herbs have several active compounds which interact with one another to produce a therapeutic effect.

A herbal supplement may contain all of the compounds found in a plant or just one or two of the isolated compounds that have been successfully extracted. For some herbs, however, the active ingredients simply have not been identified, so using the complete herb is necessary to obtain all the benefits. Increasingly, herbs are being used to attain or maintain good health: to enhance the immune system, to help maintain low blood cholesterol levels or to safeguard against fatigue.

END: PG22/10

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