Developing an Albert Einstein

It came as a shock to me to find out that, when I reached my early twenties, the brain cells that I had refused to use in mathematics and similar figures-laden science subjects, shriveled up and died. No more growth for me in that direction, as opposed to baby, who has a lot of growing to do.

Do not be fooled by the fact that your baby sits doing nothing but gurgling, commandeering milk, pooping it out and looking puzzled. Your child’s brain cells are on overdrive, picking up data faster than you can say laptop: processing and storing it as if it were going out of style.

It is never too early to begin baby’s learning path. In fact, the earlier you begin the better baby’s chances of growing up on the higher than the average side of intelligence. It is about genes, yes, but it is also about the environment, so do put your baby in a learning environment as soon as possible.

The basics recommended are as follows

o Play music around the baby, even as he sleeps. Classical music is especially recommended, but any music that you enjoy is fine.
o When in his crib, make sure that bright and stimulating colours and shapes (usually suspended from above) surround your baby.
o Watch cartoons with your baby.
o Read to your baby, and if you are good at making up stories, do that as well.
o When playing with your baby, let him grab at your nose and ‘learn your face’ and facial expressions with his hands.
o Count and sing the alphabet to your baby.
o When walking around with your baby, show them different things and speak out their names aloud.
o Talk to him constantly; this will stimulate him into early speech.
o Take your baby outside for fresh air and a bit of sun. Show him the plants and animals around—and do keep a book of animals to show them.
o Touch your baby often. Cuddle and caress them constantly.

As they become older and mobile, it is important to keep up a conversation with your child using your best vocabulary. In fact, do not ever stop! Keep encouraging his interests, and give them responsibilities as soon as possible, such as putting away their toys in the proper place. And as you read to them, also encourage them to tell you stories!

It is also important, at this stage, to be aware of any fear they may develop such as the dark, or a certain object in the house, and help them to conquer it. Keep them busy learning, mastering and socializing as well.

Investing in developing an Albert Einstein is something you will never regret. It is one grand thing you will be grateful you did.


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